This is Not a Test

  • A workbook designed to help you discern your Enneagram type

Why Write This Workbook?

For years, we have leveraged other resources to help people discover their Enneagram Type, but we have always found ourselves augmenting these external resources with our own insights and approaches. Over time, our clients started asking us why we weren’t writing our own books about the Enneagram. We were not thrilled with the resources available to discern one’s Type, and our confidence grew over time until we had the audacity to believe we had something to contribute to the Enneagram body of knowledge. We decided the best place to start was to develop a workbook with clear, systemic explanations and exercises to help people discern their Enneagram Type.

In this workbook, we’ve attempted to distill only the most essential elements of the Enneagram needed for discerning Type. We hope you can come to know yourself in new ways and find untapped potential and strength through discovering your Enneagram Type. If you want to learn more about yourself, more about those you love and lead, and what you can do with those insights, this workbook is a solid starting point. It won’t guide your entire Enneagram journey, but it will provide some surprising and valuable insights and the foundation for future discovery and growth.


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This workbook was designed for engagement, not just reading.

Consider this workbook an iterative process — like a deepening spiral of activities. Each loop of the spiral contains some reading, some self-reflection and writing, some discussion with a friend, and conversations with a coach (if you have one). Each iteration invites deeper awareness and insight.


What is the Enneagram?

Enneagram is a Latin word that means “nine drawing.”

The Enneagram is an ancient personality model that categorizes people into 9 different Types with a corresponding number. Most personality models (MBTI, DiSC, Birkman, Predictive Index, and many more) are behavioral models, which can be valuable.

But what distinguishes the Enneagram is its focus as a motivational model. The Enneagram teaches us that anyone is capable of any behavior, but the underlying motivations for similar behaviors can be surprisingly varied. Understanding our own and others’ motivations opens up tremendous opportunities for healthier and more productive relationships.


Enneagram for Executives Round Tables

The Kairos Enneagram Round Tables are back in July & August 2024!


Our first round of sessions with Type 1, 3, 5, and 9s was a success, and Andrew Hoffman and Christin Nevins are eager to begin the conversation with executives of different Types.


If you’re Type 2, 6, 7, 8, or trying to find your number, fill out the form below to share your interest and information so we can plan accordingly.


We host three 1.5-hour-long sessions for CEOs and senior executives of the same Enneagram Type actively using the Enneagram as a self-awareness and development tool. We create a learning environment that blends type-specific discussion, lessons, and coaching with community building.


Click the link to learn more and get engaged. If you believe an executive friend in the Indianapolis area could benefit from joining us, tag them. You don’t have to be a Kairos client to join us, just an executive already on your Enneagram journey.

Sign Up Online Here