Kairos Summer Event Series

  • Gatherings focused on building community, exploring rest and renewal, and experiencing joy.

    Reducing "the lonely at the top" reality one social gathering at at time.

Kairos is committed to creating community-building opportunities for members of the Forge and our clients to practice “slowing down” together. Below are several events (many with multiple dates) we’ve scheduled and are planning. Click on the registration link to learn more, and let us know if you’d like to be contacted with specific details and updates related to them. Contact Andrew Hoffman (andrew@kairosconsulting.com) with any questions.

Forge Fridays for CEOs – Registration

Join fellow CEOs and members of the Kairos team for a Friday afternoon social gathering. The goal is to give space to build relationships. Kairos will provide a series of weekly discussion topic questions to help drive an intentional yet upbeat conversation.

> Daredevil Hall – 86th & Keystone

> Grab a beer or a soda – drinks on Kairos

> Who: Forge CEOS + CEO Friends – Feel free to invite a fellow CEO that you’d like to get connected to Forge or Kairos

> Fridays:  June 14th, June 28th, July 19, Aug 9th, Aug 30th

> Time: 4:00p – 6:00p each date – Open house format. Come when you can, leave when you need to. Given the drop-in format, I plan to leave at 5 pm if no one is there by then.

> Kairos Team Lead: Andrew Hoffman – Expect other team members as well.

Please register to let us know if you’d like to receive updates on these sessions should the dates change or if we want to provide an update in preparation for a specific date. (For example, bring your +1 on X date or bring your #2 at work.)


Family Time In the Park – Registration

Join fellow CEOs, Kairos clients, and members of the Kairos team for a Sunday afternoon of rest and fun at Holliday Park. The goal is to enjoy time with our families and give space for our families to build relationships with those in our work world.

> Holliday Park – Playground Parking Lot Area

> Open to all our Kairos clients – CEOs, executive team members, and families.

> Sunday : July 14th

> Time: 2:00p – 5:00p each date – Open house format. Come when you can, leave when you need to.

> Kairos will provide drinks, light snacks, etc.

> Kairos Team Lead: Andrew and Michelle Hoffman and Family (Kids: Avery (14), Owen & William (11-twins)  (Andrew@kairosconsulting.com) Expect other team members as well.

Please register to let us know if you’d like to receive updates on these outings should the dates change or if we want to provide an update in preparation for a specific date.

Rescheduling – Forge Golf – Registration

Join Brian Wolff, CEO of Parker Technology and active member of the Kairos Forge Community, and Kairos

staff member Andrew Hoffman for an afternoon of golf practice. Brian is an avid golfer who has offered to give lessons to anyone who wants to improve their golf game for summer golf outings. Andrew was a former collegiate golfer and is willing to offer some lessons as well. We’ll meet up at a driving range and practice facility to hit golf balls, work on some putting, and have a great time. Instead of Top Golf, we’ll go straight to the course where we can all work on our games simultaneously.

> Location: Meridian Hills Country Club

> Date: RESCHEDULING – Date TBD Soon (finding another date that works better for those interested)

> Time: 4:00p – 6:00p each date

> Who: Forge CEOS + CEO Friends—If you play golf with a fellow CEO and would like to connect to Kairos/Forge, invite them.

> Kairos will cover driving range golf ball fees

> Kairos Team Lead:  Andrew Hoffman

MUST RSVP (Limited to 10 people) to let us know if you’d like to receive updates on this outing or if we need to communicate due to rain.

Eagle Creek Run & Hikes – Registration

Exercise is always more fun with a group, and some of the best conversations happen when exploring together. Join us for Saturday morning hikes and runs at Eagle Creek throughout the summer months. We’ll determine the pace with those who show up and always ensure we keep the groups together.

> Eagle Creek – 56th Street Entrance – (first parking lot on right) We may change starting locations to explore routes

> Who: Open to all our Kairos Clients – CEOs and executive team members

> Dates: June 15th, July 20th, August 17th

> Time: 7 am | 6mi Run | 3-5mi hike – we’ll hit the trails at 7:15 am

> Kairos Team Lead: Andrew Hoffman (run) – Alyssa Johnson (hike)

Please register to let us know if you’re interested in receiving updates on these outings should dates change or if we want to provide an update in preparation for a specific date.


Forge CEO+1 Half Day Retreat – Registration

Join the Kairos staff for a half-day rest and renewal-focused retreat at Eagle Creek specifically for CEOs of the Forge and their +1 should they want to experience intentional time with their significant other. Our vision for this retreat is to provide the structure that gets you into at least one sabbatical-like rhythm to rest, think, recharge, and connect with yourself or your spouse.

> Location: Eagle Creek Beach

> Date: Friday, August 2nd

> Time: 12:00p – 4:00p

> We’ll begin with lunch and fellowship, provide some framing and suggestions, and send you off to retreat. We’ll come back together at 3:30p for a short debrief.

> Who: Forge CEOs and their significant other if you want

> Kairos Team Lead:  Andrew Hoffman

Please register to let us know if you’d like to receive updates on this outing when the date is confirmed or if we need to communicate due to rain. We’ll also communicate to gather your lunch order.


Wine & Watercolor – Registration

Stretch your creative muscles, make new friends, and enjoy some good wine. This event is open to all skill levels, and supplies will be provided.

> Old Town Companies Offices

> Open to our Kairos coaching and company clients – CEOs and executive team members.

> Date: July 25th

> Time: 4:30-6:30 pm

> Kairos Team Lead: Christin Nevins

Please register to let us know if you’d like to receive updates on this event should the dates change or if we want to provide an update in preparation for a specific date.