The Kairos Emerging Enterprise Coaching Program equips CEOs of smaller, growing ventures with colliding perspectives to catalyze their growth as enterprise leaders.
We match talented, hungry CEOs with an experienced Kairos coach. This allows CEOs of smaller or younger organizations, who might not otherwise be able to afford our services, to access an invaluable resource.
1. The program is designed for chief executives (generally Founders) of early-stage ventures (under $2.5 million in annual revenue) who are motivated to grow their personal capacity.
2. We work with the limited budgets of these organizations. We agree on an appropriate quarterly fee, such that the CEO has skin in the game, but isn’t financially burdened.
3. The CEO links with a Kairos coach for 3 months of unmetered coaching. The CEO and their Kairos coach meet as often as desired during that time.
4. Together, they focus on building the CEO’s capacity as a leader and on helping the CEO achieve key business objectives.
5. If desired, the CEO and their Kairos coach can continue to work together after the initial 3 months.
A free lunch? Of course not; there are costs even beyond the reduced professional fees. Kairos coaches elevate vision and exhort growth, which can be . . . uncomfortable. Transformational coaching is emotionally challenging work that isn’t for the faint of heart. Ultimately, we see this program as a long-term relational investment into an ecosystem of high character leaders, leading to generational and mutually-beneficial impact.
For more information, contact Chip Neidigh, CEO + Founder:
Call or text: 317-908-0136