ideas on leadership

Nikki Miller

Information creates the illusion of growth

Ancient wisdom says that knowledge “puffs up” and that fits with my experience. Getting a hit of new knowledge from a podcast, book, or latest HBR issue puffs me up with false confidence. If I get a chance to pass it along, well then, I get a little more puffed up. I have done this…

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Jeff Hastings

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Success-Driven Thinking

I spent three decades in the tech/software development industry with a lopsided fixation on success.  Toward the end of my time as a business owner, I experienced a significant period of burnout. I thought the burnout was circumstantial, but after selling my business I came to realize that I had been falling prey to my…

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Alyssa Johnson

Transformation is a Practice

My EDGE Mentoring group is working through Seth Godin’s recent book on creativity, The Practice. As I reflect on our recent discussion, three quotes really jump out at me.  They speak to where I’m currently at in my growth as a leader and a human being.  I want to invite you into my journey a…

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Chip Neidigh

Mind the Gap

I’ll acknowledge that I can be a bit of an ornery curmudgeon, but there’s one piece of flawed leadership advice that has been floated so often in recent years, by so many, that most people are starting to accept it as conventional wisdom. I hear it all the time: “Focus on the positive.”

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Wesley Cate

Healthy Teams are an Antidote to Self-Sabotage

A couple of weeks ago I was in a client meeting that didn’t go the way I had hoped. One of the participants was visibly distracted, upset even.

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